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Empyr: Realms of Ash

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Palace of Embers

Quest Giver: Great Sky Ocean (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)

Requirements: Soldier of Air, Fight Fire, Any Trials of Smoke, and Prisoner's Dilemma
Request Phrase: news
Time Limit: Unlimited
Task Type: Solo
Lockout: 30 Minutes
Repeatable: Yes


  • Experience
  • 354 Platinum, 1 Gold, 6 Silver, 7 Copper


Task Steps:

  • Find someone that you can force to give you access to Aalishai. 0/1 (Empyr: Realms of Ash) More Info
  • Find someone that you can force to give you access to the palace. 0/1 (Aalishai: Palace of Embers) More Info
  • You will have to kill the ambassador to prevent him from reporting what you have done. 0/1 (Aalishai: Palace of Embers) More Info
  • Return the challenge to Great Sky Ocean. 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight) More Info


  • Find someone that you can force to give you access to Aalishai. 0/1 (Empyr: Realms of Ash)
    • Defeat the mobs that are the same kind, such as spiders, or armors, after, a Named NPC will spawn, go through its text and defeat it. At 10% it will de-aggro, say 'we will defeat you'
  • Find someone that you can force to give you access to the palace. 0/1 (Aalishai: Palace of Embers)
    • Defeat the mobs that are the same kind in Aalishai, such as water, fire, air or earth mobs, a Named NPC will spawn after, go through its text and defeat it. At 10% it will de-aggro, say 'entry'
  • You will have to kill the ambassador to prevent him from reporting what you have done. 0/1 (Aalishai: Palace of Embers)
    • Defeat the named NPC that updated the previous step
  • Return the challenge to Great Sky Ocean. 0/1 (Stratos: Zephyr's Flight)
    • Return to and Turn in the Challenge to Great Sky Ocean in Stratos (as indicated by on the map)

  • Re: Palace of Embers By: CrimsonKing On: November 01, 2020, 03:19:15 PM

    For step #1 - killed 8 spiders and the mob spawned right on the spot.

    Re: Palace of Embers By: svann On: July 21, 2020, 06:54:09 PM

    You better have an alternate tank or else the ambassador will mez your tank and then proceed to slaughter the rest of the group if you have no one else that can take a hit. Plus he will eventually despawn if you take too long getting another tank in to help and then you gotta restart it.

    Re: Palace of Embers By: pryssylus On: January 13, 2020, 05:19:23 PM

    Quest currently bugged - Flame Consuming Hand has been up, at 9% health, for several days. It appears none of the minis will spawn as long as this is the case, and hailing him is fruitless, so impossible to get past step 1.

    I've filed a but report, but DBG seems to have little time to devote to such things, and so I'd imagine the next server patch will resolve, but who knows whether he'll despawn properly next time...

    Re: Palace of Embers By: Corak On: June 22, 2019, 10:29:21 AM

    Forgot to mention, the Empty Ash Hero spawns a fire elemental add at a random time around 75% for me, maybe more later but I never got him down much after the first add. The elemental was mezzable.

    Re: Palace of Embers By: Corak On: June 22, 2019, 10:25:14 AM

    I killed snails for about 40 min and the Empty Ash Hero [Snail Tender] popped right where we were killing. He is non-agro, and stands still at the place where he pops, so it is important you are pulling the snails to a spot where you will not need to deal with adds when he pops, especially if you need multiple attempts to kill him. The first time I spoke to named, there a couple of text prompts then he attacked. On later attempts, he was still standing at the same spot where he was, even when the whole group had wiped and had to zone back in. It works well to put a campfire right at the mob, since he is non-agro. On all attempts after the first, there was no text prompt but I could trigger him attacking me by saying "we will kill you".

    My 3 box group with 110 warrior in Battleworn and GMM gear could not tank him long enough to succeed, using 3 healer mercs and stuns and runes from the chanter. He quads big strikethough hits and has a large flame AE (dot I think). I gave up after about 5 attempts. Any advice on how to beat this guy, other than bring a real group?

    Re: Palace of Embers By: Battileur On: February 22, 2019, 04:50:28 PM

    I tried to kill Warrior's Flowing Mind without success as my tank which has never had a problem holding aggro before just couldn't hold this mob's aggro and the members of my group that needed the kill kept dying as he turned on them...

    Re: Palace of Embers By: GraemeFae On: January 19, 2019, 06:36:18 PM

    If you don't kill him fairly quickly after saying the phrase to him, he will despawn.

    Re: Palace of Embers By: Nniki On: January 06, 2019, 07:30:54 PM

    Empty Ash Hero
    (Snail Tender)

    Re: Palace of Embers By: Xslia On: December 30, 2018, 10:10:27 AM

    For Step 1: Flame Consuming Hand is the mob you are looking for. He spawned for us over in the ditch next to the embers zone entrance. At 9% he goes inactive, give him the keywords "we will kill you" for update. No matter where we killed in zone, he spawned over here.

    Re: Palace of Embers By: Fawntemplar On: December 29, 2018, 04:46:05 PM

    In aalishai you can kill any type of mob (water, fire, earth, air) they each spawn their own ambassador and all the ambassadors will work to allow you access to the palace. Each ambassdor has a different name: All Consuming Sound = Water, Descending Light's Laughter = Earth, Warrior's Flowing Mind = Fire, and I don't know air

    Re: Palace of Embers By: Wartankz On: December 18, 2018, 10:49:55 PM

    In step one kill spiders in the north to get the update. I killed snails for hours and nothing

    Re: Palace of Embers By: Drakang On: December 16, 2018, 10:06:07 AM

    Killed all over for the second step. Only thing that seemed to work was south of the building. Needed several pools empty of mobs and the named popped. Has some nasty fire dots. Healer needs to be on top of group heals.

    Re: Palace of Embers By: Dataa On: December 14, 2018, 12:53:20 PM

    #2 kill mob in Palace of Embers, go to South side of pool, pull the mobs there and keep kill to spawn named.

    Re: Palace of Embers By: Grizabelle On: December 14, 2018, 12:58:50 AM

    kill any "type Mob" consistently to get the "find someone" update. We killed spiders and had a "named" with spider handler in parens under his name roam up, he waited till done with kill, hailed went thru text beat him down and got update.

    Palace of Embers By: Riou On: December 09, 2018, 11:39:38 PM

    Questions? Comments? Post them here! Original page - https://tbl.eqresource.com/palaceofembers.php

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